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商务部提醒:劳务人员出国务工要“看清企业资质,签订正式合同,认准工作签证,只交规定费用”。 本页面内容由 沈阳万信境外就业有限公司 自行发布,所有资料的真实性可靠性请自行判断,报名或交费前请注意查看营业执照与相关资质文件原件。

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所在地: 辽宁 沈阳 地址:
电话:024 22576399联系人:邮件:sywanxin_jy@hotmail.com
传真:024 22576013邮编:网站:
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  • 沈阳万信境外就业有限公司 公司简介

Shenyang Wanxin Overseas Employment Service Company Ltd. has a 13-year business history, focusing on providing employment opportunities for Chinese skilled workers in English-speaking countries, such as Canada, Australia, Great Britain and so forth. The specific work titles include welders, electricians, marble mason and so forth. If you are interested in the posts mentioned above, please contact with my company in the way as follows, fax: 86-024-22576013 or tel: 86-024-22576399. if you want to set up a long-term cooperatin with my company, please you contact with me in the same way or vist by yourself to Wealth Centre, Floor 22. Wanxin welcome you.


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