
2010-10-11 20:46:17 中国国际劳务信息网 点击数:2174


Would you please introduce yourself? 自我介绍

(范例)本人叫***, ***年**月出生, **学校毕业, 来自**省**市,现在XX公司工作,主要从事XX等工作,担任XX(如服务员/领班等等)职位, 本人非常荣幸(高兴)地参加此次面试 ,谢谢贵公司给我提供此次机会,谢谢…..

Hi/Hello, Sir/Madam, My name is ***, born in **, ** year. I graduated from **   school, I come from **city, ** province. After my graduation, I work in ** company as ** position(eg. I work in Bibo Hotel as a waitress.). My resposibility is ……. I am honoured to attend the interview today, thank you for providing me this chance. Thank you!



顾客进来时:Welcome , may I help you? \what I can do for you? \May I take your order?  \ how can I help you?

顾客离开时:Thank you. See you again./See you soon.

[1]  你在单位里主要做什么

----What do you do?/ Whats your job? 

----I work in ** Hoetl as a waiter/ waitress.


----What’s your resposibility?

Reserve the seat for guest          (为顾客预定位子)

Push the dish and beverage to guest(推销菜肴和酒水)

Settle the bill before guest leaving (顾客离开前买单)

Keep restaurant clean               (保持餐厅清洁)

Keep smiling all the time          (始终保持微笑服务)

Serve customer with dish and Beverage(帮顾客摆放碗碟及饮品),

Settle the bill for guest.(买单)

Co-operate with manager to ensure outlet under smooth operation


Provide professional service to customers such as Introduce drinks and

foods for customers(提供专业的服务,比如为顾客介绍饮品和食物。)

Settle the bill.(买单)

Conduct promotion to maintain high revenue.(开展促销活动以增加餐馆的销售额)

Table setting up(摆放餐桌用具等)

Provide professional service to customers(提供专业的服务)

Prepare dishware (准备好碗碟等)

Introduce drinks and foods for customers(让顾客介绍饮品和食物)

Introduce the hotel’s service to customers(向顾客介绍酒店的各种服务)

Take order and arrange the seat for customers(点菜并为顾客准备好座位)

Assist the captain to make sure the hotel’s operation well.



你是哪里人?(where are you from?)--I’m from ***.

家里有多少人?(How many people in your family?)—There are ** in my family.They are my father, mother, sister/brother and I.

他们主要做什么?(What do they do? )

会不会想家?(Will you be homesick?)--Yes,but now it’s very convenient to contact through telephone or computer.When I miss my family, then call them.

父母支持自己出国工作吗?(Will your parents support you to go abroad to work or not?)---They support me to go because they hope me to earn more money and develop myself.



能不能经受长期加班或轮班工作?(Can you undertake over-time work or shift work?)

是否服从公司的安排和管理?(Can you follow company’s arrangement and manager’s direction?)

一般说法:服从领导和执行领导为原则(I’d like to follow manager’s direction.)

[4]你为什么去新加坡工作?(Why do you want to go to Singapore to work?)

你对新加坡的了解如何?一般说新加坡是个风景非常优美,法制比较健全,也比较公平的国家等等赞誉之词。(It is known that Singapore is a very beatuiful and clean country, its legal system is healthy.)

想去新加坡工作的目的最好说在国内的工资不高,主要是想到国外好好工作,拿更多更高的薪水等等。(I want to make more money meanwhile enrich my working experience. )

[5]有什么业余爱好等(What’s your hobby / interest?)

---play basketball/football, listen to music, travel,reading……


    1)、带夸张饰物    2)、头发乱或过多摩丝    3)、手指甲长或很脏  



b、回答问题用英语回答(pls try to speak English),如果专业性比较强的英语尽量避开,不要使用地域性很强的方言和简称或俗语,尤其是企业名称和工作内容等,会影响外方的理解.一般雇主问什么问题,你回答什么问题,不要自己拼命提出问题,让雇主回答你的问题,搞的雇主对你的印象非常不好。


d、如果没有听清问题,可以有礼貌的请对方重复一次,(Sorry, can you repeat? )但一定要注意力非常集中,尽量避开环境比较嘈杂的地方上网。

f、问及薪水问题,最好不要说对方的工资不算很高,自己一定要拿到多少薪水才合适;应该说接受工资待遇,过去后自己也会更加积极努力工作,以好的工作表现争取更高的薪水。(I can accept the salary. But I believe I will get higher salary through my good performance during work.)

g、面试结束后,要非常有礼貌地向雇主道谢,并且可以表达自己希望能被雇主看中,有为雇主效劳的机会。(Thank you for providing me this chance, Looking forward your good news. Thanks!/ Thank you, see you!)


标签: 新加坡 面试

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